This summer, Logan and I drove to Alberta twice, both for hockey related events. We drove at a leisurely pace, camping and sight-seeing along the way, making them both non-hectic, memorable trips.
Logan had been practicing golf around our farm for the past year or so, hitting wiffle balls off the golf mat on our patio, or hitting a regular golf ball around the 'back 40' acreage... But he never played on a full-size course before.
Well during one Alberta trip, the opportunity came up to golf in Calgary at Earl Grey Golf and Country Club. I figured Logan would he a few balls and drive the golf cart for the rest. Wow! Needless to say, Logan held his own on the full-size golf course, hitting the ball as well as, or better than many occasional adult golfers I've golf with in the past. Good 100-125 yard drives and good putting.
Since then we've played a few other times.... On the return trip from Alberta in Sicamous, and in Langley at Poppy Estates Golf Course. Logan beat me on 2 holes and tied with me on 5 other holes. Yikes!
I was a very proud Dad golfing with my son. A dream come true really. It was a tremendous amount of pleasure for me watching Logan enjoy the results of his golf practicing and natural ability. I wouldn't hesitate taking Logan to a full-size golf course any more. In fact, I'd insist on him coming along.
I'm thrilled that I have a new golf buddy... for life.